Sunday, December 5, 2010

Martial Arts Self-Defense Techniques - Take A Stance Against A Threat In A Self-Defense Situation

In a life-threatening situation your initial reaction may be the most important self-defense technique you can employ. A few simple moves may be all it takes to defend yourself. Weather you are approached on the street by a mugger or in a bar and someone gets in your face your initial reaction must be a defense technique. In this article I will explain what is a proper stance and what can be done using this fight defense.

If approached by a threatening person your first reaction needs to be to defend yourself. Your initial self-defense technique needs to be a step out of reach of the assailant. The second tactic is to "cover up" some of the vulnerable parts of the body. This subtle move is neither threatening nor appearing that you are completely giving in by throwing yourself at their feet with your arms over your head.

A proper stance to employ involves using your dominant arm to cover your neck. Turn sideways to them with the dominant leg back and place the dominant hand on your chin as if you are contemplating what the aggressor is saying. At the same time place the less dominant arm across the abdomen.

This self-defense technique accomplishes three things. First it allows blocking a strike to your neck or chin or to your stomach or diaphragm. Second it places your dominant hand in a position for a quick strike to the assailant if they come at you. Third it does not allow an attack from the rear by an additional assailant that you have not seen to apply a choke hold.

This stance also allows a number of blocking and striking advantages. If attacked with a strike or kick your arms are already in a fighting defense position. The upper arm can block strikes to the head and face. The lower arm can block kicks to the groin or lower abdomen area. The stance also allows preemptive or counter strikes rather easily as the arms and hands are in position to strike and they may not see it coming as you are in a non-threatening position. An aggressive stance such as both hands clenched in fists around your face invites a fight.

An initial preemptive or counter strike needs to be followed up by a barrage of strikes preferably to the face and neck. Standing sideways to the aggressor allows stepping into them with a strike or kick. The step in produces additional power getting the body weight behind the strike or kick As with any self-defense technique strikes need to be delivered with full force through the target to be the most effective.

The dominant hand can be used for a strike to the throat as a punch with a closed hand or as a chop. It can also be used as a palm heel to the chin. The less dominant hand can be used as a follow up to gouge the eyes or nose. The important point to note here is to continue with a barrage or strikes. Once you are into them use elbows, knees, feet, head butts, etc. Be relentless in the attack using any self-defense techniques you can to create a way to escape.

Do you want to learn more about protecting yourself in a real-life self defense scenario?

Go to and download Pete's free Intelligent Guide For Self Defense.

Most traditional martial arts classes do not train you for real life encounters. Learn to avoid getting yourself into a bad situation. But if you find yourself face to face with serious injury or death, you will have mastered the skills to survive by following these simple systems.

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