Self-defense is a very deep and broad subject. Contrary to what a lot of so-called "masters" would have you believe, both on and off the internet, there is no magic, "silver bullet" technique that will allow you to beat any attacker - any time! However, there are certain key self defense tactics and strategies that, when used correctly, work almost like magic in preventing even a determined attacker from beating you.
I know that sounds like a contradiction - where I talk about the gurus who try to convince you that there is a magic technique - a secret that only they know - that will allow you to be able to kick any attacker's butt in less than 30 seconds...
...and then I offer to teach you a magic secret that will prevent any attacker from getting at you.
If I were you, I would want to know "what gives" as well!
Let's take a look at what I mean when I talk about "secrets." I mean something that the average person either doesn't know about, or they don't think about in the way we're discussing. And, as long as it is "unknown" to the masses, it can be called a "secret."
So... unless you're prone to running around town and showing off your cool self defense moves, you can bet that when you use these little gems, that you will surprise your attacker. And that's where the "magic" comes in.
Most people think of magic as a short-cut to getting things done. Instead of making, creating, or working hard to get something, a magician can apparently just pull it out of thin-air.
Ironically, you get that same surprised look and effect with your assailant when you do these key strategies and tactics - because he or she doesn't know where they came from or why you're able to do what you do!
But, just like the magician who makes it look "easy," what you don't see is the countless hours of training, practice, and hard-work that went into that "easy trick," you are going to have to do more than sit there, reading this article, to develop the kind of skill that makes the secret I'm about to share with you - work like magic!
But, before I share this secret with you, I want you to think about how most people think about martial arts, self defense, or fighting.
I want you to recognize the fact that most fighters, and therefor most attackers, see and operate in the world in only 2 dimensions. They think of forward - backward motion (depth), and side-to-side (lateral) motion. Rarely, if ever, does the average person look up and down, or think about "space."
And that's where I want you to think and operate. Because that's what I'm talking about here - I'm talking about freely moving in space, and doing it in a way that is completely unexpected to the attacker.
You see, this works because most attackers - most fighters - are used to seeing people freeze up in panic, or try to move fast enough to cover up against their flurry of attacks. But, the secret that I'm sharing with you takes a different path to self defense success.
This secret is the skill of effective evasion. Instead of blocking, or covering and hoping to minimize the damage until he goes away, we're going to use proper timing to...
Cause him to waste a shot!
We can do that by:
Side-stepping the punch, grab, or kickPulling away from the attack using long range, defensive anglingShift forward and past the attack, and/or...Using last-second, turning, evasive movement to avoid the incoming limb and flank the attackerBy simply "getting out of the way" of the incoming attack, you will find that you have access to his targets which are left unguarded while he is busy "missing" the target on your body that he went after!
I say "simply," but this strategy really requires a shift in your thinking, and a serious effort to overcome and retrain your defensive response to do it like everybody else. To get this right, and really develop the ability that true experts possess, you will need to do more than read a book that promises miracle techniques - you will need to train under someone who really knows what works, AND has real world experience at using these techniques and strategies on the street -where it counts!
Effective self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible.
If you really want to know what most people don't know about how to master self defense and how to survive a real street attack, read my newest self defense book: "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!" It's available free at:
Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally-known self defense expert. Each month he teaches literally thousands of students through live seminars, corporate training events, and his online self defense courses, the lessons to be able to survive in Today's often dangerous world.
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