To minimize the risk to get fatally wounded in a edged weapon situation you need to consider the following pointers.
1. Surroundings, are there any other threats from people, cars, sharp corners etc. Are you responsible for other persons near by.
2. Can you escape the scene in a safe way. Running isn't always an option and you have to make sure you are the fastest and nothing or no one is left behind.
3. Equalizers such as a bag or a chair to cover yourself with against the blade. Or maybe a golf club or umbrella can keep you away from the blade and even disable the attacker.
4. Tactics should include positioning to keep distance from the blade, cover with distractions such as various blows, punches, kicks, feints, power, speed and controlling /checking, take downs and finishing techniques.
5. Mindset focus to prevail no matter what is happening. You keep on fighting and never stop.
Basic Knife Defence is designed to build up the instant reflex to protect "the box", which is basically everything that is entering the surrounding space of your upper body. After that the defender trains how to create the opportunity to stop and control the situation with a few simple solutions depending on the task. For regular students in a Kali Sikaran Club they also add the disarm part to be able to get rid of the attacking knife or control it.
For people who train the program as an intensive seminar, the focus can be different depending of the equipment they use (A.S.P, guns etc.) or the expected outcome of a situation. The goal is to make things as simple as possible - but still very effective.
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